Sunday, October 12, 2008

Posts, Secrets, Stickers, and Thanksgiving

I noted to my husband a couple days ago that I have been posting much more regularly this last week or so. I will need to remember to post even when I am doing "well."

I was also thinking about this blog. What I am wondering is whether or not I should actually tell people about it. If you read my blog it is because you linked to it through a message board or other blog. I have told some people that I am writing it but have not given out the address. No one that I have ever spoken to face to face has read this. Now I am wondering if I should let a few people in. This one is so different from my other blog. I am wondering if letting them read this would scare them or give them insight into how I am doing or what I am thinking.

Tomorrow is thanksgiving here in Canada. My parents are here from Saskatchewan and we went to the pumpkin patch with my brother and his wife and kids. While we were there I had to laugh at my change of perspective (imagine a short cynical laugh rather than a loud "I think this is funny" laugh). There were a number of pregnant women and families with new babies. As I should be in the 2-3 week countdown right now I wanted to run up and push them over. I couldn't convince my mom or sister-in-law to help though... Anyway, perspective. One of the women who had a particularly large belly had put her bright green admission sticker on the front of her belly. My first thought was, "Show off!" In other circumstances I would have thought it cute or even copied it.

Now to thanksgiving. Do I have things to be thankful for? Of course. Am I prepared to let go of the mood I've been in this week to shout them out? Not a chance. I guess I could whisper a few of them to you though.

Things I am thankful for at this moment:
-my husband who bears my moods
-my daughter who brings so much joy (and is still sleeping right now even though it is 9am here)
-friends who listen to me go on and on and on about things
-that I don't have to go back to work until after Christmas

1 comment:

Allie said...

Wow,sharing your blog is really personal. I started mine years ago and just didn't start a new one after Ethan died. But it did take me a few months before I felt comfortable writing about Ethan on it because I knew my family was reading it. I think that it gives them more of a perspective on what's going on in my life, to my true emotions. But there are still some things that I don't post (if I'm feeling angry at someone, for example) because I just don't want them to know.

As far as Thanksgiving goes, it can be extremely difficult,especially in the beginning, to be thankful. Your list of what you are thankful for, though, is wonderful.
